code review tools

Should I Integrate Static Code Testing Into My Release Pipeline_CodeScan

Should I Integrate Static Code Testing Into My Release Pipeline?

Static code testing is an essential aspect of an optimized Salesforce release pipeline because of its ability to support code quality, reinforce data security, and streamline operations. Why It Matters: Manual code reviews are tedious and prone to error. Failing to consistently produce high-quality code creates bugs and errors that degrade the end-user experience and […]

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

Should I Integrate Static Code Testing Into My Release Pipeline? Read More »

Healthcare Cybersecurity Solutions Beyond Code Scan Tools_CodeScan

Healthcare Cybersecurity Solutions Beyond Code Scan Tools

Healthcare companies must ensure the highest level of cybersecurity protection because of the sensitivity of the data they handle. Why It Matters: A successful cybersecurity strategy includes the efforts of all team members working in a unified fashion. A code scan tool is an essential aspect of a complete plan, but it is not the

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

Healthcare Cybersecurity Solutions Beyond Code Scan Tools Read More »

How to Leverage a Code Analysis Tool for Cybersecurity_CodeScan

How to Leverage a Code Analysis Tool for Cybersecurity

A code analysis tool can improve the quality of your applications and updates, which also leads to a stronger data security strategy. Why It Matters: The DevOps tools you use will only provide the desired benefits if they’re properly used. A code analysis tool can improve code quality while also reducing cybersecurity vulnerabilities. ROI from

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

How to Leverage a Code Analysis Tool for Cybersecurity Read More »

9 Salesforce Scanner Must-haves for Financial Companies_CodeScan

9 Salesforce Scanner Must-Haves for Financial Companies

A Salesforce scanner enables an organization to produce stronger, more secure products—if it has the right features. Why It Matters: The finance industry faces strict data security requirements because of the level of importance of the services provided. Financial companies handle their customers’ most sensitive data. Regulatory requirements stipulate how this information must be protected.

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

9 Salesforce Scanner Must-Haves for Financial Companies Read More »

How Can I Protect a Salesforce Data Migration_

Consider This for Your Next Salesforce Security Scan

Proper planning and attention significantly increase the effectiveness of a Salesforce security scan, making it easier to achieve compliance with data security regulations and avoid costly data breaches. Why It Matters: You can’t expect team members to catch everything, but even a small error can have huge ramifications on the overall security and compliance of

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

Consider This for Your Next Salesforce Security Scan Read More »

10 Ways Automated Scans Avoid Costly Overexposures_CodeScan

10 Ways Automated Scans Avoid Costly Overexposures

Intentional preparation through the use of automated tools like a code quality scanner can help prevent extremely costly and harmful data loss events. Why It Matters: Granting access to critical data by too many team members increases the likelihood of a costly accident, which is still the leading cause of data loss. Overexposure occurs when

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

10 Ways Automated Scans Avoid Costly Overexposures Read More »

Coworkers Working Together - Static Code Analysis Tool

How a Static Code Analysis Tool Supports Data Privacy

Data privacy is impacted by the environment in which it is stored. Using a static code analysis tool reinforces that environment and supports a successful data privacy strategy. Why It Matters: Any failure to properly protect Salesforce data can result in costly data loss events and falling out of compliance with data protection regulations. Regulated

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

How a Static Code Analysis Tool Supports Data Privacy Read More »

salesforce naming conventions

6 Easy-to-Miss Salesforce Code Mistakes

Companies across various industries use Salesforce for marketing, collaboration, sales, and other critical business functions. When developers write codes for Salesforce daily, they may make errors. These mistakes are often hard to detect manually because they require many files to be inspected at once. Standard detection tools that check source file syntax may also miss

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

6 Easy-to-Miss Salesforce Code Mistakes Read More »

10 Coding Problems and Their DevSecOps Solutions_CodeScan

10 Coding Problems and Their DevSecOps Solutions

Updated 11/9/22 DevSecOps solutions address common problems so you can deliver consistently high-quality Salesforce code. Why It Matters: Coding errors lead to bugs in your updates and applications, data security vulnerabilities, and costly production cycles. Sourcing DevSecOps tools that best fit your needs eliminates common issues. Coding errors become 150 times more expensive to fix in

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

10 Coding Problems and Their DevSecOps Solutions Read More »

How Salesforce Code Scanning Tools Support Compliance_CodeScan

How Salesforce Code Scanning Tools Support Compliance

Every business has a responsibility to keep the information of their employees and customers safe. This is simply good business practice. However, there are some industries such as healthcare, banking, and insurance that deal with extremely sensitive data. Data security regulations have been established to outline the protections that need to be in place to

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

How Salesforce Code Scanning Tools Support Compliance Read More »