Should I Integrate Static Code Testing Into My Release Pipeline?

Should I Integrate Static Code Testing Into My Release Pipeline_CodeScan

Should I Integrate Static Code Testing into my Release Pipeline_CodeScanStatic code testing is an essential aspect of an optimized Salesforce release pipeline because of its ability to support code quality, reinforce data security, and streamline operations.

Why It Matters: Manual code reviews are tedious and prone to error. Failing to consistently produce high-quality code creates bugs and errors that degrade the end-user experience and introduce security vulnerabilities.

  • Fixing coding errors becomes exponentially more expensive the later they’re found in the release process.
  • Automating code reviews drastically reduces errors when compared to manual reviews.
  • Automated tools increase release velocity.

1. Builds Stronger Code

If there is one thing that can immediately improve every Salesforce release pipeline, it’s error-free code. Strong code supports data security efforts while also ensuring the update or application performs exactly as intended. This creates a better experience for the end user while simultaneously protecting their information.

Static code testing automatically verifies proper coding structures and alerts developers when an error is detected, guaranteeing healthy code.

Even the best developers are liable to make a mistake. Static code testing accounts for these mistakes and gives them another opportunity to perfect their code.

2. Streamlines Operations

Should I Integrate Static Code Testing into my Release Pipeline_CodeScan

Inefficient processes increase the overall cost of producing a new release. And when delays are systemic, they compound over time. Finding a way to streamline any issues in a repeatable way exponentially increases returns and provides a better experience for team members.

Lengthy code reviews drastically increase the amount of time it takes to produce an application or update.

Static code testing eliminates these lengthy processes, which allows your team to continue working on more pressing matters and use their expertise to produce quality products more quickly.

3. Reduces Manual Processes

Our team members are our most precious resource. However, there is an aspect even the most talented developers simply can’t avoid—human error. Nobody’s perfect. And when a person is tasked with a highly repetitive task like reviewing lines of code, they are bound to eventually miss something.

Automating the code review process eliminates the potential for accidentally overlooking an error and saves your team from the laborious task of manually reading through massive amounts of code.

When it comes to Salesforce releases, any errors can negatively impact quality and security.

4. Increases Release Velocity

Should I Integrate Static Code Testing into my Release Pipeline_CodeScanThe ability to push more products through your Salesforce release pipeline makes your organization more flexible in its response to security issues and market trends. Automating previously labor-intensive processes makes it much easier to increase the number of possible yearly releases.

Static code testing allows your team to boost their output, which provides more value to your company.

An increased release velocity improves the overall value of a release pipeline. The more products you put out, the more returns you see from your efforts. Streamlined testing gives your team the ability to increase their throughput.

5. Supports Data Security

Data security is always a primary concern. A release pipeline can either help or hurt an organization’s data security strategy. The failure to produce applications and updates with clean code creates the potential to open back doors to cybercriminals or cause failures in live environments that corrupt or delete data.

Producing flawless code with the help of automation neutralizes data security threats that can be caused by faulty applications.

The average cost of a data breach in 2022 was $4.35 million. Organizations need to take every possible precaution to avoid this, and static code testing is an important step in this process.

6. Reduces Technical Debt

Implementing new Salesforce DevOps tools helps ensure optimized processes moving forward, but what about updates and applications completed in the past? It can be tempting for release managers to prioritize speed over quality. And when this happens, bugs and errors can make it into live environments with the goal of being addressed at a later date.

Technical debt refers to legacy bugs that exist within a live environment.

Static code analysis can be used to find and flag these errors so they can be fixed.

7. Speeds Time to Market

Should I Integrate Static Code Testing into my Release Pipeline_CodeScan

Solidifying yourself as a leader in your market isn’t easy. It takes consistency, security, ingenuity, and the ability to quickly introduce reliable products. Expediting the code review process enables teams to get new products into the hands of their end users without worrying about functionality issues.

Users start looking to your organization for what’s coming next when this speedy delivery can be repeated over time.

Expedited releases that don’t sacrifice quality create a more flexible working environment, enabling your team to address problems in real time and provide increased value to your customers.

8. Enhances Productivity

Naturally you don’t want to overwork your team members, but you also want to be sure they are able to produce a reasonable amount of reliable work. Think of adding static code testing to your team’s toolbox like giving someone a drill who previously only had a screwdriver. The functions are the same, yet one enables them to get more work accomplished much faster.

Automated DevOps tool increases the potential output for each team member, drastically boosting their productivity and value to the organization.

Manually reviewing code is a lengthy process. Introducing static code analysis takes this time-draining task off your team’s to-do list.

9. Heightens ROI

Wasteful spending practices inevitably lead to bad results. A Salesforce release pipeline is only as useful as it is profitable. Unnecessary manual processes, error-prone releases, and redundant work all minimize the benefits seen from the eventual releases.

Automation is the single best way to increase the ROI seen from every DevOps project because of the reduction in errors and expediting of processes.

Providing your team with the tools they need to best perform their duties benefits the entire release process by creating better products in a shorter amount of time.

10. Improves Work Environment

Should I Integrate Static Code Testing into my Release Pipeline_CodeScanSome benefits can’t be quantified, yet are still incredibly important. One of those unmeasurable factors is the experience of your team members as they perform their duties. Work doesn’t always have to be fun, but it also shouldn’t be a massive drag.

Offering the best tools available to your team members reduces headaches and drudgery from their everyday work.

Happy team members are much more likely to remain in their positions and produce better work. Equipping them with automated tools like static code testing is a huge factor in helping them enjoy their workdays.

Next Step…

A proper data security strategy helps those in regulated industries remain compliant with applicable regulations. Did you know static code testing helps achieve this?

Check out our blog “How Salesforce Code Scanning Tools Support Compliance” to learn more.


Static code testing fits into the Salesforce release pipeline in a variety of ways—all of which support healthier code and stronger products. First, automated code reviews provide immediate alerts to developers the moment an error is introduced to the coding repository. This helps rectify any errors early in the process, which drastically reduces the associated cost. This streamlined testing helps facilitate continuous integration (CI) by automatically detecting issues as part of the build process. A reduction of errors introduced to the codebase ensures the project is ready for release.

The very first thing is to choose a static code analysis tool. Look for one with ample rulesets that address your preferred coding environment—the data as well as the associated metadata. After that, you’ll configure the tool to analyze your code. An analysis can then be run to find any existing issues both in your coding repository as well as in your live environment, or what’s known as “technical debt.” These results should be reviewed so your team can prioritize the most important existing issues to target.

Once these problems are addressed, you will need to incorporate the tool into your development process. Ample training should be provided to your team. And once it’s all set up, monitor its success over time so you can make any necessary adjustments and get the highest possible ROI from its implementation.

Some static code analysis tools can flag code as problematic when it’s actually functioning as intended. These are called false positives. Pursuing these false positives are a waste of time for your developers. Sourcing a quality static code analysis tool and properly configuring it will help avoid false positives.

Some teams have difficulty integrating static code testing into the build process. It might take a long time to complete the analysis, slowing down the pipeline. This can be addressed by properly configuring the tool to analyze specific areas of the codebase.

Another problem teams have is simply a resistance to change. They might be comfortable with the existing processes and don’t want to learn how to use a new component. It’s important to communicate the benefits of working with static code testing and provide proper levels of training so your developers quickly become adept at using the new tool.

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