code quality

10 Coding Problems and Their DevSecOps Solutions_CodeScan

10 Coding Problems and Their DevSecOps Solutions

Updated 11/9/22 DevSecOps solutions address common problems so you can deliver consistently high-quality Salesforce code. Why It Matters: Coding errors lead to bugs in your updates and applications, data security vulnerabilities, and costly production cycles. Sourcing DevSecOps tools that best fit your needs eliminates common issues. Coding errors become 150 times more expensive to fix in […]

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

10 Coding Problems and Their DevSecOps Solutions Read More »

How Salesforce Code Scanning Tools Support Compliance_CodeScan

How Salesforce Code Scanning Tools Support Compliance

Every business has a responsibility to keep the information of their employees and customers safe. This is simply good business practice. However, there are some industries such as healthcare, banking, and insurance that deal with extremely sensitive data. Data security regulations have been established to outline the protections that need to be in place to

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

How Salesforce Code Scanning Tools Support Compliance Read More »

7 Essential DevSecOps Security Tools_CodeScan

8 Essential DevSecOps Security Tools

Salesforce DevSecOps security tools are an essential aspect of properly securing your Salesforce environment and producing applications and updates that support your data security strategy. Why It Matters: Traditionally, security considerations weren’t addressed until the last stages of the development pipeline, but this mindset is outdated. DevSecOps includes data security considerations throughout the dev pipeline

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

8 Essential DevSecOps Security Tools Read More »

6 Salesforce Development Best Practices

6 Coding & Salesforce Development Best Practices

Adhering to Salesforce coding best practices helps streamline and optimize DevOps pipelines to produce better products at an accelerated pace. Why It Matters: Salesforce coding best practices synergize the efforts of your team with the goal of producing more secure products as efficiently as possible. Best practices are habits and tactics generally regarded as providing the

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

6 Coding & Salesforce Development Best Practices Read More »


Does a Salesforce Security Scanner Impact Code?

Data security is a constant concern. There are ever-evolving threats that have the potential to impact the stability of your system, privacy of your customers, and your company’s ability to remain in compliance with government regulations. A Salesforce security scanner can come in many forms, but it can be the difference between addressing a vulnerability

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

Does a Salesforce Security Scanner Impact Code? Read More »

8 Tips to Maximize Salesforce Code Analysis_CodeScan

8 Tips to Maximize Salesforce Code Analysis

A combination of best practices and powerful tools is the best way to improve the quality of your code and consistently produce secure applications and updates. Why It Matters: Even the best developers make the occasional mistake. So putting systems in place to perform a Salesforce code analysis supports numerous aspects of a successful Salesforce

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

8 Tips to Maximize Salesforce Code Analysis Read More »

Salesforce Code Review Tool

How to Select a Salesforce Code Review Tool

Automation is quickly becoming recognized as an essential aspect of a streamlined Salesforce DevOps pipeline. Manual processes are time consuming, costly, and vulnerable to human error. These processes might have become a comfortable aspect of your pipeline, but you will need to institute new technology if you want to remain competitive. A Salesforce code review

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

How to Select a Salesforce Code Review Tool Read More »

What Is Salesforce Static Code Analysis_CodeScan

What Is Static Code Analysis For Salesforce?

The code that makes up the applications and updates that come from your Salesforce DevOps pipeline is important. That’s so basic that it’s barely worth saying, but there are numerous DevOps practitioners that consider “good enough” code to be, well, good enough. The tendency to prioritize speed over quality with the idea that any errors

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

What Is Static Code Analysis For Salesforce? Read More »

devsecops for salesforce

7 Essential Salesforce DevSecOps Tools in 2023

Updated on 11/15/22 Sourcing the right Salesforce DevSecOps tools increases data security, streamlines the development pipeline, and reduces costly errors. Why It Matters: Minimizing manual touchpoints frees up your team members to address more pressing issues while heightening overall quality. These DevSecOps tools create synergy to optimize your Salesforce development pipeline. Increased automation enables your

Setting Up and Using CodeScan Effectively
Setting up and CodeScan in your salesforce org

Running CodeScan on your Salesforce Org is a great first step towards quality code, but maintaining that quality is a Read more

Estimating ROI with CodeScan
Estimate ROI using static code analysis tool CodeScan

Every Software Development Professional knows the following fact: the later bugs are found, the more expensive they are to fix. Read more

SFDX Tutorial | Setting Up CodeScan
CodeScan with Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a new focus on source-driven, collaborative development. The Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) easily integrates into your Read more

CodeScan and Visual Studio Team Services
continuous integration visual studio

Visual Studio Continuous IntegrationVisual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is a quick and powerful tool to set up continuous integration and Read more

7 Essential Salesforce DevSecOps Tools in 2023 Read More »