10 Salesforce Testing Tips

CodeScan - 10 Salesforce Testing Tips

10 Salesforce Testing Tips_CodeScanIncorporating a proper Salesforce testing strategy reduces errors, supports data security, and streamlines DevOps processes.

Why It Matters: Simply sourcing automated DevOps tools doesn’t guarantee the elimination of bugs and errors, but putting intentional processes and proper practices in place increase your likelihood of success.

  • Around 38% of developers say they spend roughly a quarter of their time simply fixing bugs.
  • Testing tools are available for every stage of the application development lifecycle, from writing the initial code all the way through to deployment.
  • Failing to properly utilize DevOps testing tools reduces your ROI on each project and introduces unnecessary data security risks to the eventual products.

1. Catch Errors as Early as Possible

The types of testing you utilize impact the success of your strategy, but so does the timing. Waiting until the integration stage to test lines of code can lead to unraveling a large amount of work just to address a single error.

Testing should be done as early as possible, when projects are less complicated, to reduce the associated cost of the fix.

Static code analysis provides immediate alerts to developers when an error is detected. This allows them to fix the mistake in real time before it has a chance to become embedded in the project and more expensive to address.

2. Multiple Layers Increase Success

10 Salesforce Testing Tips_CodeScan

Have you ever tried to strain orzo? Depending on the size of your strainer, some pieces might slip through to the sink. Now imagine using a series of strainers—the likelihood of a piece of orzo hitting the sink greatly diminishes. DevOps testing is very similar.

Instituting several layers of testing increases reliability and ensures that even if a bug slips through, it is caught by a successive testing tool.

This is best done by instituting testing in various environments—development, production, and integration. This ensures your changes work in different scenarios while also bolstering coverage.

3. Automated Testing Doesn’t Get Tired

Maintaining high levels of quality throughout a manual process is difficult when the task is long and repetitive. Code reviews, for instance, can take hours upon hours for larger updates and applications. These projects include thousands of lines of code and as time goes on, it becomes almost impossible to pay close attention to every line.

Manual testing is susceptible to fatigue, which inevitably leads to errors. But this isn’t a problem for automated testing tools.

Automated testing moves through these processes much faster than even the most talented team member, while maintaining consistent levels of quality.

4. Finding Small Errors Prevents Big Ones

10 Salesforce Testing Tips_CodeScanErrors in the DevOps pipeline tend to snowball. What can initially seem an innocuous error can become entangled in more and more lines of code as the project progresses through more stages. And if you don’t find and address these small errors before they are fully enmeshed within the application or update, it’s going to take a long time—and more money—to fix them.

Static code analysis identifies errors earlier in the development stages, which reduces the manual labor needed to correct them, compared to when they are found later in the application development lifecycle.

The code that makes up your projects is the basic building block for every aspect of the eventual product. Ensuring errors are quickly addressed makes these products more stable.

5. Don’t Forget Data Security

Error-free applications and updates function as intended. This is good for end-user satisfaction and is a positive reflection on your organization. People are more willing to use your products when they work properly. Error-free applications are also a great help for data security.

Improper testing has the potential to create data security vulnerabilities that can impact the entirety of your Salesforce environment.

There are more types of testing beyond static code analysis. You can scan your environment for technical debt or any unauthorized access, as well.

6. Analyze the Infrastructure

The way your system is set up has a huge impact on the efficacy and security of your approach. In addition to scanning your Salesforce environment for various data security issues, you can also scan for proper settings that support secure and streamlined processes.

Automated scans of your profile and permissions settings ensure your data doesn’t become overexposed, minimizing the chance of accidental deletions that could sabotage your DevOps efforts.

An optimized DevOps strategy requires a comprehensive approach. Testing early and often provides the best results. These benefits are even greater when the system is set up in a way that supports safe processes.

7. Utilize Version Control

10 Salesforce Testing Tips_CodeScan

Another aspect of your Salesforce infrastructure that supports proper testing habits is the utilization of a version control tool. This helps you track changes to your code and configurations and heighten accountability while making it easier to revert changes and track issues.

Version control is an essential aspect of a complete DevSecOps toolbox that helps multi-developer teams maintain visibility over everyone’s efforts.

A complete DevSecOps suite provides the multi-tiered coverage and testing considerations organizations need to produce secure, stable applications. Version control fits in perfectly with various testing tools that verify proper coding structures and integrations.

8. Clearly Define Quality Gates

Expectations are important. It’s impossible to determine success if you don’t have a clear rubric to measure your efforts. This is also true for Salesforce testing—you need clear definitions of what you’re testing and the anticipated outcome.

Creating and communicating clear expectations of quality and test results ensure everyone is on the same page when approving DevOps projects.

Quality gates exist within your testing tools to approve or reject new changes. These kinds of expectations need to be set with your teams as well. Clear communication streamlines efforts and ensures everyone stays in the loop.

9. Consider Regulated Data

10 Salesforce Testing Tips_CodeScanThose in regulated industries like financial and medical organizations need to consider data security regulations with everything they do. Testing DevOps projects and verifying proper structures within your environment all need to be done with an eye on compliance. Failing to do so could result in costly fines and penalties as well as loss of consumer trust.

Proper settings for profiles and permissions help protect sensitive data by minimizing the potential for accidental leaks, deletions, or corruptions.

Ample testing in the development stages ensures applications and updates function as intended—which will serve to further secure the products and the environment in which they are employed.

10. Continually Reassess Your Approach

Adhering to every Salesforce testing tip helps secure your DevOps processes, but this is an evolving consideration. New tools will be introduced. New threats will emerge. And as new team members cycle through, the exact ways your company approaches testing will change.

Actively monitoring the performance of your Salesforce instance and your testing processes will point you toward specific areas for potential improvement.

Nothing in the world of Salesforce DevOps is static, so remaining flexible and aware of potential vulnerabilities is a continual process. Examine available reports and dashboards to gain the insight you need to accomplish this.

Next Step…

Now that you understand how to get the most from your testing tools, it’s time to source your Salesforce DevOps toolbox.

Check out our blog, “9 Salesforce Scanner Must-Haves for Financial Companies,” to learn more about what you need to have in your DevOps testing arsenal.


Even the best developers make the occasional mistake when writing code. But depending on the size of the update or application, there can be thousands of lines of code in a single project. Static code analysis is an automated tool that checks these lines of code against an internal database of rules. Alerts are sent to the developer when an error is detected. The tool looks for specific patters, syntax errors, standards violations, security vulnerabilities, and other problems that could potentially result in performance issues. This allows developers to fix errors in real time and mitigate any potential negative impacts.

Overexposed data is the result of overly broad permission settings. This happens when data sets are available to team members who don’t require access to them to perform their daily duties. This unnecessary access increases the potential for accidental deletions or exposures of sensitive data, which can result in costly outages or falling out of compliance with data security regulations. Properly updating user permissions for each team member supports data security efforts and reduces the likelihood of costly accidents.

Each type of testing has its benefits, but automated testing almost always comes out ahead. Many DevOps tests are highly repetitive. People tend to glaze over after a while, which reduces their efficacy in the face of thousands of lines of code, for example. Manual reviews are time consuming and prone to error, while automated reviews are fast and reliable. Automated testing tools never get tired or grow bored. They simply scan the proposed environment or code and report on what they find. There are varying degrees of effectiveness for tools across the market, but sourcing a high-quality tool will provide reliable results that can be factored into a team’s release strategy.

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